
I truthfully feel none of us have anyone to blame for whatever we have done with our own personal lives. It has been proven that at the age of 7 most of us have reached the age of reason -- which means we do, at this age, understand & know the difference between right & wrong. Of course -- environment plays an awfully important part in our lives such as the Convent in mine & in my case I am grateful for that influence. In Jimmy's case -- he was the strongest of us all. I remember how he worked & went to school when there was no one to tell him & it was his own WILL to make something of himself. We will never know the reasons for what eventually happened, why he did what he did, but I still hurt thinking of it. It was such a waste. But we have very little control over our human weaknesses, & this applies also to Fern & hundreds of thousands of other people including ourselves -- for we all have weaknesses. In your case -- I don't know what your weakness is but I do feel -- IT IS NO SHAME TO HAVE A DIRTY FACE -- THE SHAME COMES WHEN YOU KEEP IT DIRTY.

--from In Cold Blood


about Truman Capote:





Such a god damn good movie. 有空會來寫心得報告。



Truman Capote 因為 "In Cold Blood" 這本以真實兇殺案為基的懸疑小說成為美國最著名的作家之一。他為了完成這本小說花了六年的時間調查、接觸所有與案情有關的人事物,甚至花 了許多時間精神和兩名兇犯的其中之一 "talked their heads off"。"Capote"這部電影描寫Truman Capote 寫 "In Cold Blood" 的過程,他和各個相關人事的互動以及他心境與情緒的轉折。













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