身體因素,我渡過非常漫長的三個月,依舊看不到出口。這段其間我更加厭惡已經厭惡的人事物,然後發覺自己的不可愛,這樣憎恨旁人又不愛自己。What have I gained? What did I lose? What do I really want? 突然有點羨慕Stoker的小女孩,至少她確定她血液的慾望,她十八歲,她是自由的。
"My ears hear what others cannot hear; small faraway things people cannot normally see are visible to me. These senses are the fruits of a lifetime of longing, longing to be rescued, to be completed. Just as the skirt needs the wind to billow, I'm not formed by things that are of myself alone. I wear my father's belt tied around my mother's blouse, and shoes which are from my uncle. This is me. Just as a flower does not choose its color, we are not responsible for what we have come to be. Only once you realize this do you become free, and to become adult is to become free."