
You can't teach social science, you simply learn it from experience and interactions with other people. 

I realized just recently that I like the "hard' science (i.e., biology, physics, math, law(?)), something you can really learn and take away from a class, something that needs to be discovered.

Social science is about human minds, about intuition and behavior patterns.

Is applying theories onto human/social behavior really meaningful?  There will always be subjective opinions and disagreements, and every argument will be true because it's simply a different approach of looking at one thing.

A thing/phenomenon itself by nature has thousands of different angles.  You can't really interpret one's mind because a person thinks thousands of ideas and thoughts spontaneously, whether consciously or subconsciously.  One can't even accurately interpret his own thinking.  Once a society is formed, the complexity cumulates.  Any analysis or prediction will be way too simplified and undercomprehensive.  So as hard as we make all the efforts to explain the society, it will always change and fall out of expectations.

That is why there's always exceptions, and luck plays a crucial role in social/organizational success.


寫的很亂,不過看的出來我當時多麼fed up with it, 居然有力氣寫下這麼一堆字。當時就覺得學校裡的老師同學只會講講講,they're all just talking,然後硬要把一些淺顯的觀察當建構理論套用。很多時候這些所謂理論只適用於一個特定的案子,拿到別的情況下就漏洞百出,更顯得這一切的空談對現實社會是多麼薄弱。好懷念當真相只有一個的世界阿。
現在想法沒那麼極端了(因為很久沒上學聽不到那些社會學家高談闊論),雖然我還是天性不好與人爭辯,我覺得每個人都有每個人的喜好和見解,沒什麼是非對錯,也就沒有爭執的必要。不過大家來討論一下也是挺好玩的啦,可以聽聽不同的看法,尤其他們還是有很多值得學習之處,like how to be convincing and such。
Anyways, 我要去唸我的科技管理與社會組織了。其實唸社會學也有好處,你只要能夠表達清楚自己的想法,考試的時候你的答案永遠不會是錯的。
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