Vendetta: n. a feud between two families or clans that arises out of a slaying and is perpetuated by retaliatory acts of revenge; a blood feud.
世仇: 歷代有仇恨的人或家族。亦指世代結下的仇恨。
Vengeance: n. Infliction of punishment in return for a wrong committed; retribution.
復仇: 對傷害自己的人進行反擊。
Totalitarianism: n. a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.
集權主義: 集合權力於中央的制度。
Judgment: The act or process of judging; the formation of an opinion after consideration or deliberation.
審判: 審訊並加以判斷。
Freedom: n. 1. The condition of being free of restraints.  2. Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression.  3. Political independence. Exemption from the arbitrary exercise of authority in the performance of a specific action; civil liberty: freedom of assembly.
自由: 依照自己的意志行事,不受外力拘束或限制。 
Justice: n. 1. The quality of being just; fairness.  2. The principle of moral rightness; equity. Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness.
正義: 公理。合於人心正道的義理。

是部英文很多的電影,而且還是英國腔 (Natalie Portman為了這部戲特別去學英國腔),所以如果想真正了解並且享受這部電影,光悶著頭進戲院去看沒字幕的電影可能會不太懂,上網查查資料會有很大的幫助。
我之前沒有很喜歡Natalie Portman,我只看過Closer,裡面他永遠只有一種臉。不過看完V我到是對他的演技有點改觀,溫柔多了,尤其是他光頭的樣子真是漂亮阿 (頭真圓)。
演V的是Matrix裡的壞人agent Smith。而V for Vendetta就是作Matrix的Wachowski兄弟作的。後來我發現agent Smith (Hugo Weaving)在不少電影裡都有聲音配音演出,嗯,大概他的聲音很會演,才被找來演這從頭到尾臉被埋沒在面具裡專以聲音取勝的V。


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