(I like these two equally, so I'm quotting them both)
Paula: [propositioning Andy to be her 'friend with benefits'] I'm very discreet... but I will haunt your dreams.

Cal: You know how I know you're gay? Because you're gay so you can tell who the gay people are.
And THIS is the best part of the movie, Andy successfully hit on a chick by saying completely nothing:
Beth: [Andy is staring at her] Can I help you?
Andy Stitzer: Do I need help?
Beth: Ummm... is there something you are looking for?
Andy Stitzer: Is there something I should be looking for?
Beth: We have an extensive do-it-yourself section.
Andy Stitzer: Do you like to ... do it yourself?
two comedies in a roll... but the 40 year old virgin clearly beats the baxter.
A very original script.  話題一直都圍繞著性卻一點也不顯低俗。是一部很可愛、很好笑的片。
我想Steve Carell是這部電影的大功臣,卻也是最失敗的地方(雖然只是個很小很小的失敗)。
Steve Carell的personal charm會讓你不知不覺的fall in love with him.
自從跟店裡的同事交了朋友以後,Andy(Steve Carell)幽默風趣,成熟穩重的一面慢慢浮現出來。他絕對不是個loser,他stands for himself.  他有絕佳的幽默感,並且會在適當的時候fight back.
Andy這個角色的轉變有點太快,他從電影一開始的freaky antique toy maniac到後來眼神散發出來的男人味,讓人懷疑這是同一個人。 (ㄟ...我降寫是不是感覺很飢渴阿...)
cast 跟 the Baxter有一部分overlap: Elizabeth Banks and Paul Rudd
嚴重懷疑Elizabeth Banks有去打肉毒桿菌,臉怎麼會繃成那個樣子。
Paul Rudd (Phoebe的男朋友)我覺得很有潛力,等著他演第一男主角的一天。
Steve Carell為了這部戲特地減肥,他本來應該長這樣
"The Office"裡面更胖

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