
My heart breaks into pieces when Kentridge, Kaufman, and Schopenhauer all got squeezed into one weekend.

The world starts to make sense,

too much sense. 

"Everything can be saved. Everything is provisional. A prior action is rescued by that which follows. A drawing abandoned is revived by the next drawing."

在芝加哥現代美術館MCA第一次看William Kentridge. 坐在黑暗的房間裡看著七個動畫短片同時播放,surreal but serene。 今天才知道芝加哥展的那一小部分是Kentridge在五個主題裡最平靜的時刻(Artist in the Studio)。他其他時期的主題作品 - 除了魔笛(The Magic of Flute) - 則充滿了政治社會批判及暴力。叔本華說在音樂與藝術裡可以暫時解放忘卻世間苦惱,但現在的所謂藝術已經由追求美轉化到追求現實。MoMA裡所有的展覽都是這麼disturbingly close to reality,我們要到哪裡才該喘息?

-- Also at MoMA: Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present   (contains live performance, nudity & performance by the artist herself)

"We're all one thing, Lieutenant. That's what I've come to realize. Like cells in a body. 'Cept we can't see the body. The way fish can't see the ocean. And so we envy each other. Hurt each other. Hate each other. How silly is that? A heart cell hating a lung cell." - Cassie from THE THREE

"You and I share the same DNA. Is there anything more lonely than that? "


Although director Spike Jonze very much deserves the credit as well, Kaufman gave the soul of screenplay to this screenplay.  時間與空間不在,意志與表象不在,現實與想像不在。到頭來終究要一隻上帝之手,an act of God, deus ex machina.

"觀自在菩薩行深般若波羅密多時,照見五蘊皆空,度一切苦厄" - 心經

唯心主義者在批判唯物主義時浪漫情懷依舊。哲學家對他們所相信的對世界真理的解釋充滿熱情,以致於始終有一個堅定的信仰。They care about the Truth so passionately,而又如此想要從填不滿的慾望(意志)裡得到解脫。



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